226 Math. 2.6,g. Efayi.iz. II. Deceit,v, bring from a :little to no- The deceitfulne/Je of mans heart. mind : wifdorne for craft. And fo are many excel- lent graces and works difcredited with us, and wee brought out of love, and liking with them. lochs difgraced the juft and honourable liberality of Mary, in breaking the box of ointment on our Saviour, as too profufe & riotous a waft.The 'ewes taxed Johns leveret. gravity as diabolieg, and Chrifis gentler af- fability as Fpicureall and favouring oflicentioufneffe, Ahaz counted trufl ìg.on God to bee tempting of him : And the Papifts flander Marriage, as an un.. clean and flefhly work. Herein vertue fares much like her followers, who never could bee free from thofe afperfions,& itnputations,which of all others they leaft deferved. But, as the wicked, to bring the godly into hatred, have alwayes railed up flaun- derous reports of them, that they are thus and thus, (as of the Chrifcians of the Primitive Church, that they were enimies to the Emperours, pra&ifers of uncleannefCe in their meetings &c.) when indeed they are nothing leffe ; fo do our hearts craftily mil informeus ofvertue, and as once they of the Hugo - nites, tell us terrible things of it, to bring us quite out of conceit with it. The fecond is, when our hearts would only ob. taine thus much of us, to remit but a little of our forwardneffe and zeale, as in the aria obfervation of the Sabbath and other fuch like duties. For by this meanes, as in committing of finne the deceit of our hearts was, to bring us from a little to much ; fo here from a little to nothing at all; that by little and little degenerating ^at the length we might be quite ftript and emptied of all goodneffe. A fearfull ex-