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1, 228 The deceit fulsefe of man! heart. confef.lo.3t. .9Jjotiet nar. rantes in.,nia primo quaff' to- le ((tome ne o f- fendamus infir- raos,de,nde parc- latim lrlenter advertimús. III Deceit,, levering of the plcaîure of godlines, from the trouble. Pfa1.73.13. rrons.Is,ad pop. rntioeb.in fine. fait our ovine, and not to let goe the lealt parcel thereof. For if once a breach be made in upon us, and but Come little taken away, wee cannot but be weakned thereby,and fo lie open to further danger. How often,faith Au fiin," having at firs but tolerated " thofe which tell idle tales, left wee fbould offend " the weake, afterwards by little and little have we " come willingly to liften unto them. If once we become luke - warme, wee are fo much the fitter to become cold, and then to freeze: If we fuffer reale to coole, quickly wee flail cometo refl. in the out -' ward performance ofreligious exerciles,without a- ny Cenfe of the quickning life and power of godlines án them,and at length we Thal proceed on,4rom this dead fenfelefneffe, to open prophauneffe, and con - tempt of all goodneffe. Withftand then the firft beginnings of declining. The third is,when the pleafure, comfort, and re- ward of godlines is fevered from the toyle, trouble and of licîion that waites upon ir. As, contrarily in finne,our hearts cunningly abftrat the paine from the pleafure. This deceit lometim es prevailes with the godly;as with David,when confidering the pre - Cent afflictions ofthe godly., he cryes out, Ilrave sna- rhed say hands is innocency in vain. But more com- monly with the men of this world, when they hear that bard Paying, Ifanyman will live god,, beemnfi fifer perfecution,andifany man will be my difciple,he muff forfeke all, father,mother,larrds living, & life it felf.But here aryfof ore gives us art excellent rule that when in any good thing to be done for Gods caule, there feemes to be loffe, we fhould not only look