Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceit fulnefe of Mini heart. look to the lotie, but to the gaine alfo, inclofed in this lofte. Art thou to give aimes, and doth the ex. penfe ofmoney trouble thee? Confider an the re- turn and encreafe of that which thou expendett. Hats thou loft any thing in thy outward eftate? Give thanks to God ; and confider not the griefe which thy Joffe, but the joy and comfort which thy thankf- giving affordeth thee. Arc thou reviled, and repro - ched ? Beare it with a good fpirit , and thou haft more caufe to glory in thy patience,than to grieve in thy reproach. We fee the Husbandman confiders not the lowing in teares, but his harveft , his reaping in joy : The Fifherman looks not to the caning in of theNet,buc to the draught nor the Merchant to his Sea- voyage , but to the return of his merchandize: fo muft we ., not fo much look to our loties, crofi-es, aliûions,as it were the thowring and lowring feed - cime,but to our reaping- time,our harveft, the com- mingofour Saviour,the blaft of the trutnpet,theex- i3eb. ix. needing glory prepared for us. With Mofes we muft look to the recompence ofreward; and the eternal waight of the crown, muft waigh down with us the light and momentany waight of the croffe : And as in finne we fhould have a fore , not feeing only , but feeling alto of the paines, when feeing onely tickling pleafures prefents is felfe : fo in obedience of the pleafure when nothing íhewes it felge to the outward eye,but paine & trouble. If thus we can do, and truly conjoyn thofe things which our cunning hearts fraudulently fonder, the crown ofthorni, and the crown of glory,Golgatha and Calvary;ce -fxf ring, aad co- reigning with Chrifi;then filial we account the 2 3 rebuke 229 ------=i1