sao The deceitful/tie of Maw heart. rebuko f Chrif i a matter of encouragement ; yea, a greater attra &ive unto godlinetfe , than all the trea- lures of Egypt. For the leffe our reward is here with men,the greater may we affure our (elves (hall it ,bee hereafter with God. For if a cruell man have fo much good nature,as to fee the paines which o thers have taken for him,to be recompenced : think we that the God of mercy can filler them to go un- rewarded of himçhat have flattered fo much for him? Yea,bnt in prefect thou faift thou feeft and feeleft nothing but paines, punifhments, troubles, and tri- bulations. Firft, this is not fo : Much comfort, and fweetneffe of delight is there in the very a& of obe- dience,in regard ofthe peace and joy ofconfcience ; as contrarily much torture, and terror in the very a& of finning : for here, even in laughing, the heart is forrowfull, as in the way of obedience., even in mourning the heart islight and chearefuIl.In which regard , though there were no heaven , nor future reward of glory, yet the godly Iife,withall the trou. bles thereof,were to be preferred before the finfull, with all its pleafures; onely becaufe of the Tweet quiet and contentment of an unguiltie confcience : whereas the wicked have a tormenter within, a felf- condemning confcience the, mud and mire of which raging Sea, troubierh and diftempereth the pleafures of fin, which yet, ifuntrouEled, thould laft but for a feafon, having a molt miferable fuc- ceffour to follow, endleffe and remedilette for - row. So quickly in finne doth the pleafure fade and vanifh, leaving behind it perpetnall pine ; whereas in obedience , contrarily , the paine is MD-