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The deceit fulne f%e °plans heart. 233 him drink no longer water. But mark here the deceit of our ¡hearts in turning the fpurre into a bri dle: For there cannot be a more forcible enticement to proceeding on in grace , than from our own be- ginnings, and former practice : All loft, if we give over before the race bee fully run out. Wherefore S. Paul perfwades Philemon to (hew mercy to comfi- t/1M , by reafon of his former practice of that grace towards others; for having faid, we have great joy eonfolation in thy love: For by thee,brother,the saints bowels are refrefhed; bee inferreth prefently this : Wherefore .I bef ech thee for m3 fonne one fetus- : Re- frefh thou his bowels, as thou haft done others of the Saincs:Stil hold out in the exercife of this grace, that thou mayft receive a full reward. in like man- ner he reafoneth with the Corinthians, csyeehave abounded in love and k'sornledge, &c. fo fee lee abound in this grace (of Liberality) alto. We contrarily, think our abundance in Tome graces may difpenfe with our defeas in other. But as in the Parable of the loft fheep, the fhepheard leaveth the (beep he hath, and feeketh out that he wants;fo fhould we here,in our thoughts, at leaft leave chofe graces thou h ift; doe not fo ftand thinking of them , that thou fhouldeft negle& that which thou haft not.. In the parts of our bodies,none fo foolifh as to reafon, no matter for the want of mine eye, becaufe I have eares,nofe, &c. No fouldier fo fenfelefTe,, as to fay , no matter for ahead-peece, becaufe I havea breft- plate : In the furnifhing of our houles if one only Ornament be wanting we doe not think the want made up in the refit which we have, but contrarily, that Phil, 8.9; expóunded. s Cor. Li,. cleared.