2 3 7áf tiyyjs oo- 7dS 7aîV Csiov d'teysrps. at ¡,cáAAav. 6hryf.kons. 9. ed pop..4nt. V.Deceit, companion with inferiors. Luke 18.ít. VI.Deceit, Pretence of a. voyding evil]. The deceitfralneffe of Mans heart. that we ought fo much the rather to provide that which is wanting,becau(e of thofe we have. In run- ning of races, the people hallow and fhout not to the hindermoft, but to the formcft, that are neereft the Gole : The like heartening fhould we give to our felves, the neerer wee approach to the end of the Chriftian race. The fifth is, from comparing our (elves with o- thers that are worfe, as the Pharilee compared him- felfe with the Publican : Hence we gather, that as long as we have othersfarre behinde us,we need not (o beftirre us. This deceit Is like that of theDrapers, that commend a Karfey by laying it to a Rug. Well, in other things, we doe not fo deceive our felves.A man offorne competencie in his outward eftate, if he fee a begger that bath nothing, will not thereup- on conclude that he is rich enough , and need leek for no more : No,but if there be but one richer man than himfelfe, he is an eye-fore ; As long as be fees him, he thinks himfelfe poore. So the runner in a race,haftens his pace by looking to thofe before,not flackens it by looking back to thole behind : So fhould we rather caft our eyes upon thofe that are of greater eminency in grace than our felves,and then hang down our heads, and cover our faces in fhame to fee what nothing wee are,and then put to the 1pur to this dull jade , our naughty flefl:, that we may make more haft in our journey. The fixth is,when we abftaine from good, under pretence of avoiding evill; which an(wers to that deceit in the former kind of doing evill for the pro- curing of good. This is the deceit of the Papifts, in nor