The deceit f ulne f of Mans heart. not fur erir,g the Scriptures to bee read of the com- mon people,becaufe ofthe hurt that may come of it Auflen makes mention of fome, thatnegle£ted the rneanes of knowledge,hecaufe 4nowledge purth tip; and fo would be ignorant , that they might be hum-, ble,& want knowledge,that they might want pride : So the Phi.lofoper plucked out his eyes to avoide the danger of uncleannes. But we mutt learn,never either to feare good, though is may feeme never fo hurtfull, nor to embrace evil, though never fo profi- table. Ilurtfull good is more profitable , than profi- table evil. 235 ----._-- InPfal.r30, Sed ' rurpáss funt qui, dam boraines, quicum audíe- rint quia barri les efe deben, demtttunt ¡e, nihil volunt dif ¿ere, piton. tes quia fi aliqui didicerunt, er fuperbierunt , da in fob lace remarient. EIRMSEZEMSMERt2Mal ,ft»SITEMETSE2 CHAP. XVIII. Ofanother deceit in thefame kinde. Here remaineth yet one deceit more in this Kind, for which, it being form. thing more large, wee have referved this Chapter. And that is the inventing of falfe reafons to de- taine our felves from performance of duty: For even in such duties, whereto wee have bound lour telves by vow, we will yet goe about to flip the collar, and to untie the knot, which Solomon intimateth in that Proverb : it is a faare after the vow to inquire, namely, colourable reafon to elude our vo v : Much more then will our decei_rfull hearts doe the like for thofe duties,whereto we are tied by Gods. Commandements : For if they hve fleights to bofe a double knot, both, of a comman- dement and vow too; much more then a. finole knot VII. beech, invention of falfereafons of (Mfrs. Prc, aeva g. expìaired.