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236 \knot ofa commandement alone. To exemplifie this in tome particulars, Many, when called to the Sup- per of the Lord, pretend their want of preparation and nnfitnelfe, by reafon they are not in charity with their brethren. A notable deceit l For why do they not upon the fame grounds refufe to pray allo, be- caufe love and unitie are as well required here, as in the Sacrament; yea, a fincere profelïion of it, forgive us, as ore forgive? e.9'c. When, in the publike reformation of Religion , under Eze4iah there was forre backwardnefl-e in the Prietsand Levites, and they, t "haply, with the fluggard, were ready to hold the hand in the bofome, and to cry, A Lyon is in the way : This innovation will be dangerous wee dare not be feene in it : Ezekiah (as after him 'Ewe. dins Paulus, Conful, when flo body elfe durit, him - felfe ran in with a hatchet into theTemple of serapis he dernolifhing whereof the Senate had decreed ) began firft hinifelfe, and awaketh thofe {laggards Chron2.9,n. with t hefe words : O be not deceived tray Sonnes,God bath chofenyou, &c.As if he fhould lay,! know your hearts are cunning and deceitfull enough to fug- geft falle reafons, to difcourage you, but harkennot unto them: doe your duty. So alto in the mainte- nance of the Minifcery becaufe ofthe many vaine fhifts which men bave for their bale and illiberall dealing with us, laying; We live idly, and doe no- thing butfpeak a few words, &c. Therefore S. Paul Gat 44'6. having exhorted the Galathians to this duty, to take away all their wittie excufes,addes, Be not deceived, God is not moc4fed : Thereby (hewing, that as in di- vers other things, the deceitfulnefl;'e of our hearts íhewes. The deceitfulneffe of Mans heart.