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The deceitfrrindi of mont heart. 7-' 23i thewes it felte, fo in this, namely, the forging ofidle realóns co fatisfi:: & bear out themfelves in the neg- lecî of duties commanded by the word of God. And as the deceit is in the people, in denying the Mini - fier his dues, fo alto in the Minífterin denying the people theirs, the due namely offpiritual infpe &ion andintlrucîion. For here tome pretend, that for a while they withdraw themfelves, that they might follow their ftudies in the Vniverficie, and Co be the better fitted for their charge. When yet Timo- thy for the Churches behoofe, forfook Pods com- pany, his Beare Mailer, with whom hee had abode íü11, negle &ing the Church, hee wanted not this pretence, that bee did it to furnifh himfelfe with greater flore of knowledge; For Paul might have been in ¡lead ofmany Vniverfities to him. So in the matter of patience, this isanufuall fhift to exude the want of it:Oh,if I had deferved it, I could have born it : Whereas Peter (heaves, that wee ought fo much the rather to be patient, when the evill wee fuffer is undeferved, becaufe then patience is moll prayfe- worthy,when it is molt provoked:And inju- ries doe more provoke patience, than deferts. Be- fides that, in undeferved evil's, we have the confci- ence of our owne innocence, to comfort us in that grief; which the (mart of the evill bringeth. All which comfort is wanting,when the evil is deferved. And laftly,in the duty of liberality, how witty and crafty do men ¡hew themfelves, in divifing reafons to fave their purfes ? As that they have charges of their owne, they know not what need they may come to themfelves,and divers fuch likc.And hence it