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23g t Cor.3.z. I. Shift, from not doing evil]. Math.3.to: Mat]-1.25.3o. Matha, S.g z,. The deceitfolneffe of mans heart. it is the Greek word,which the Apoftle fetteth out Liberality by, fignifieth Sitsplicitie, in oppoftion to that crafty and witty wilineffe that is in the Co- vetous, to defend themfelves from the danger, as they think,of Liberality. But to omit there particular inftances, which are infinite; there are five more generali and common fhifts which men ufe, to avoyd the practice of godlineffe. 1.Ofthofe whole religion and divinity is wholly negative : Who think it enough they doe no hurt and that it greatly matters not for doing good fo they doe no evill. But thefe rnnft remember , that every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit (for all it brings forth no bad) flualt bee cut downe for the fire. That the fervant,that doth not employ,& encreafe his talent(for all he returns it late and found to his Mailer } fhall be bound hand and foot, and caft into utter darlZneffe. That many who never plucked ei- ther meat from Chrifts month, or apparrell from his back, nor with the wicked perfecutors impri- foned him, and made him tick, {hall yet be condem- ned,for that they gave him no meat being hungry, no apparrell being naked, nor vifted him in his im- prilonment and fickne{fe. That they themfelves would not like ofthe like excufe in their idle & neg- ligent fervants,nei. her would they think it a fuAïci- ent plea for them to fay,we have not fet your houfe on fire, or plotted with theeves againft you, &c. Befides that , thefe deceive themfelves in think- ing they can abftainefrom evill, in doing no good: Whereas in Chrifts account, not to gather, is to fcatter