Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceitfiihiegi of mates heart. 23.9 fcatter; not to doe good, when we ought, is to doe hurt; not to fave life, when we may,is to deftroy it. And therefore,being challenged by thePbarifëes for curing a lick man on the Sabbath, his defence was, Whether is it better to Joe good or evil' onthe Sabbath, 4 rk. ?.4' Pro.r4.2o,2i. to five life or to kill ? And fo in Solomonsaccount, he that helpes not his brother in his need, is a defpi- fer, a hater, and fo a murtherer of him. Second fhift is of delayers, and procraftinators, _. Sher, from who fay the time is not yet come for them to be fo purpofes for {I7C f!Mg t0 grave, and godly.Hereafter they will repent , and come, reforme their waye;. So laid the 'ewes for the buil- ding of the material temple,The time if not come; x,g,,.2: and the like do many of us fay, for the building of T v0 the fpirituall temple of Chrift in our hearts; deceit- fully we as well as they:for the feafon ofrepentance is not the time to come,but the very inftant wherin we live.Behold now the acceptedtime :behold now ifay.49.2. the day offalvation: To day, whilft it is called to icor.6.2. c'ay,harden not your hearts : For wee are certaine Heb3,ç. of this only, and not of any more, becaufe our life is not in our owne hands ,bur in Gods,who in a mo- ment can rake it away. But fay that,as once Ezelga. thou hadft a leale of thy life for force certaine (pace of yeares,yet frill the deceit would be the fame; for though thylife mayco -inue longer,yet how know'íi thou that Gods call allo will ír11 continue ?or if that doe, whether he will give thee his grace to anfwer unto it, who haft already fo contemptuou fly reie- áed it ? Afire thy felfe , bee that will bee fit for God to d.ày, will be leite fit to morrow. For herein fpecially is the deceitfulneffè of Crane to be feel), that