The deceitfirine of Mills /wart. day fthe Go to t fpeí be ng, he day ofthy life (hould be lhort,or if the day ofthy life be long,yet the day of the Gofpell fhould be (port. See then how dan- gerous and deceitfull delayes are. Seek the Lord therefore zrhile he may be f olsnd, left otherwife thou be like chore thc.t Chrìft fpcaks of,who (hall Peek to z43 enter, and fhaall not be ableiand Solomon,that Z all eels 1 r3; J' f I rcv.r.38,39, the Lord early, tind(ball not find him. And all be- cast fe they hat ed4no vledge, and did not choo fe the fear Verfe 2:3. of the Lord :they wore/biome ofmycoupfell, l called and they refuted, Ifiretchedout my hand, and nonezrould regard. The feafon then of Peeking God is when he Peeks us, and invites us to come unto him,when bee cals and ftretchesout his hand, as hee loth now in the miniftery of the word : If now thou ftoppeft thine eare, through this deceit of anfwering here- after, thou art wondrous wide : As now ¡boat art deafe, fo hereafter God will bee dumb. Hereafter there (hall be nothing for thee to anfwer unto, no voice of God to obey, fave that,G ®eye curfed.Gods fpirit (hall not alwayes ftrive with thee : Thou haft Gen. d, refuted the good counfell of the Lord , and refifted his fpirit in the word; Thou maift fit long enough ere the like grace be offered thee againe : the time may come that thou maift delire to fee one of the L ° "e r7'22' 1 n 7,34, daies of the Gofpel,which now thou feeft, and (halt not fee it, when as Cbrift faid of himfelfe to the 4 Jewes, thou maift Peek the powerfull miniftery,and (hall not find it,becaufe thou wouldeft not be found by it, when it fought thee. 3 Shift is from extraordinary occafions,as inthofe E 3 "l1ifr,,Spet in the parable; who invited to the flipper, excufed Vurre g Ì8;i R_ 2 their-