24z The deceir fulnefe of mans heart. Reve1. 3.30. not. Thou feeft the Marriners and Water- men,be- caufe they have not the winde & tide at command, take the benefit of it whiles it ferves:The good huf- band in the world,how greedily doth he apprehend the occafion of a good penniworth, and takes the advantage of the market ?O that we could be as wife fpiritually, and take our penniworth of the Gofpel while it laft eth, and whiles it is yet day ply our work before the twelfe houre be gone, and that fearful' night overtake us, wherein none can work. O that an this our day,as Chrift with teares wifhed for Jeru- falem, we could know the thingsbelonging to our peace ! Let us not deceive our felves in thinking,be- caufe we are young,we have therefore time enough before us,we need not make fuch haft: A1as,it is but a day,a short day, all the time that we haves O that in this tfiy day,f/ith Chrift; And then after it comes in eternal' night. Other day es, though they have heir nights yet thole nights end,and day comes a- gaine But after this day is once gone, there never comes a new day, to work the work of the Lord in againe:0 but the day of the Gofpel among u5 hath been, and fo Rill is like to be,a long day : Well, he is fo, but then the day of thy life may be fhort e- Inough, and then the other is thine no longer than thou livef:. When thou art dead,what good will the Gofpel doe thee then? Yea,but then the day ofmy life may be a long day; For I am young and healthy. Weil, grant thee that too, yet the day of the Got pel, and the grace of God may be out before the day ofthy life: And then what good will thy life do thee ? One of thefe two may eafily bey that if the day Sales occidere &r redire pof- bat