The deceitfulnef of mans hart. it now a time for thee to talke ofdeferring thy pre- paration for them? If thon come not out & harneffe thy felfe for the battle in all the haft, thou wilt be utterly overrhro wne, before thy hereafter be come. Why fhouldeft thou deale with Chrift like the Di- vels,who cryed againft him comming to difpoffeffe them why art thou come totorment to before our time? For fo many account the praaife of Godlineffe a torment.Why fhouldeft thou doe worfe with God, then thou oughteft to doe with thy neighbour? say not to thy neighbor, goe and come againe to morrow, and 'will give tbee,if now Hwy have it. I cannot fay indeed , that when God to day cals for thy repen- tance, thou haft is of thy felfe then to give it him: Yet this I may fay, fay not to God, Come againe to morrow and thou {halt have my repentance; when to morrow thou (halt be leffe able to give it than to day. O that thou couldeft be wife to know the time of thy vifïtation & to apprehend the occafions, and gratious opportunities of thy good, while they are offered;to obferve the time ofthe fpirits moving in thy heart, as once thofe Fick men did of the Angels moving in the poole of Bethefda, and with like vio- lence to take it for thy foules health,as they did that for their bodies.If with theChurch in theCanticles, whenChrift knocketh at the door of thy heart,thou rife not up in all the haft to let him in,he wil be gon; and with her, thou mayft feeke him long enough in great woe and griefe,as once Iofeph &Mary did bodi- ly, ere thou art like to find him. Heare whatChr ift himfelfe faith, B bold, I ffand at the bore and knock ifany man heare my voyce,and open,I till come iis,elf e R. nor. 241 Prov,3.,g.