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The deceit fislref fe of M41%." heart. for the going to the facrifice at Shïlo, thee had neglected to thew mercy to her poore infant in gi. ngitluck. But here many deceive thtimfelves, o make every entertainment of a friend, every goî_ tipping or marriage - dinner, or force Inch like occa- (ion., to be a fufhcient caufe to juftle out the fervice f God. And this was Marthaes deceit, rebuked k- ercly by our Saviour : Notwithftanding the mee- tog of friends in 2a, harks houle the ci cumcïfion Luke r, ç1,59. of the childe on the eighth day was not neflehted. The Ilraelites were but in an unf tiled tumultuary efface in the wilderneffe,and yet for all that,they did not poft offthe duty of thankfgiving, till they were peaceably pofleffed of Canaan : And for all their of- ten removes in the wildernefhe, and the uncertainty of them , yet they leeme to be challenged by the Lord, for the negleaof circumciçon. Fourth fbifi is that which is rife in the mouthes of the prophane, that it is vaine a.id bootlefs to take de(}inacioa.f e- any paines in godline1Te : For ifthey be ordained to deftruCtion it will nothing advantage them, they fhall lofe all their labour if to falvation, though ,hey live never fo wickedly, it (hall nothing preju- dice,or difadvantage them ; They mutt needs come to their appointed end: But thefe mutt knowthat it is itnpofble, either for a reprobate to live godly or an electalwayes to live lewdly and loofcly: For the fame God that ordaines the end, ordaines the meanes.Thofe whom he hsth ordained to faivation, hee bath allo ordained to good works, that they L : Ihould walk therein. Why then wilt thou deceive . P' thy felfe in this cafe,more than in the matters of this R. 3 liar r 2+s I