Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

Is' i ,i! 9 Shift, DitFcultie of godlineffe. Pro.24.7. Nolde in eaufa eft; Non poffe pretenelitur. Sen.Eli.1u6o Tre deceitfulnefe of Mans heart. life ? for there thou wilt not reafon : God hack ,ap pointed how long I (hall live, therefore I will eat no mear,. becaufe Gods decree mieft needs Ikand, whether I eat or faff : Here thou wilt have the wit to anfwe r ; God indeed bath ordained how long I (hail live; but withal] he bath ordained that the rime 1 fhali live, 1 (hall live by the life of meaner. Mach more fhouldeft thou ufe this anfwer in thi; cafe.For thou knoweft nor but God may miraculoufly main- mine thy temporal] life without meancs : but thou maeft affure thy Celle , God will never work fuch a miracle,as to bring a finfull irrepentant foule into heaven. The fif.hfl.ift is, of thole that còinplaineof the difficulty of the praaife of godlinc(fte,,how painful] it is to our flefh, how impoffrble to be attaíned,and Co by this meaner di &Courage themfelves from ma- king towards the heavenly , as once thofe fpies did the Ifiaelites, from the earthly Canaan. Thus the foole puts of the ffudy of knowledge , pretending the impoffibility of reaching umo it : As solo/Non implies; when he (ayes, as it were mockingly imita- dog of him, wifedorys (in the plurali number ) are too high for afoole. O, there are fo many and Cundry things to he learned, how can I comprehend them all? But here the truth is,that want of aril is the true c ufe, though want of J4iil and pozmer he pretended. f or there men are like bankrups, who though they he able to pay Tome part of their debts,yet reft.f. to pay any thieg,becaufe they cannot pay all. So chere upon pretence of their unability to do all required, will not endeavour to doe any thing at all. D avid., praetife