The deceitfulnefe of mans heart. dungeon ; It is both very (lake and deepe : Who can fee it ? who can found it ? And alas, where are our buckets to empty it ? Who hath not caufe to complaine with Saint ff eaufe have I to be- rraile that darkneff ,in which that power that is with- in me, is hidfrom me ; fo that no joule asking it felfe concerning it orna ffrength;cannot fafelybeteeve it fell, becazife even that which indeedis into, k kept fecret from untied experience manifefi it.O ye manyblind e corners, the fecret turnings andwindings, the per- plex labyrinths, the close lurking-holes that are here ! who would think that within the compafi'e of fo fmall a piece of flesh there $could be roome enough to harbour fach fwarmes of vaine and vile thoughts, delires and affelions ; and that far more secretly from being espied by us, than the largest and vaftefi Cities can doe any fcouting naughty - pack ? Man is a great deep,whofe very hairs are rum- bred before theep Lord:Andyet eajfer it k to know the ntttnber of his haires,than of the motions acrd affelfi- ans of his heart,as excellently S. rdufiin. For, as in Hercules Monfier, hill fre[h heads, one fpringing up after the cutting offof the other : and as in Ezekiels Temple, after the fight of for ablaominatións, íií!1 moe : fo here in this fo infinite receptacle of de ceitfull thoughts, one deceit fecceeding and pref flog hard at the heeles of another. Many inventions íàidSalemon,fpeakingofthofeat the firs' in the heart onely of Adam and Eve : How then is the number (think we)increafed face, there being none, whole braise or breaft bath not cast in his Widowes Mite. I ae leaf}, into the common Treafury Z. 1f this fkhnk- i 13 4. ing 7 Confef, lí; cap. s;. Sunt ißæ plangende tenebre, in psi- bus me tact fa- cultas mea que inmeef, uta- nimus meus de viribus (Isis ipse fi interrogsns mn facile tibi credendum ex- iflimet, quia er quod inc(i plerunque oc- cultum efl, nifs experienridma- nifefictur. Confef.lib. 4. cap.só. Grande profundum e(i homa,eu jus eti- am cpillos Yu Domine nume - ratos babe,- 51 tarnen capill' e- jus magis numi - rabiles fiant, quam aßettus ejus, & motus cordis. Eze::.8 6,13: