The deceitfulne of mans heart. haply not fo pleafrng, yet prnfitable it will be, for to íhame and humble us : for here in the Word,are thofe clear waters,ïn which,if we trouble them not with the mud of our owne affe &ions, like the Ele- phant , we may clearly fee our owne deformity. Here is aglaee, wherein we may behold the faces of our hearts, and efpie even the fmalleft wrinkle of deceit whatfoever : And that not fo as our na- turall faces in common glaffes, where we forget as Toone as our eye is out of the glafle, what was the fafhion of our face ; but fo, that hill the fight feene fhall fticke by us, prefenting it Celle to the eye of our underftanding. When Tome cunning deceitful) thiefe hath ftollen ought from thee, thou runnel prefently to the cunning Wizard, a worfe thiefe, a worfe deceiver, to fee in his deceiveable glafle, I know not what phanfie,the thiefe it should be, t hat hath robbed thee. Loe, thy heart, the molt crafty and cozening thiefe that can be, bath robbed thee, and doth daily filch from thee thy richeft treafure And canit thou in thy little loffe run to the devils lying glalle, to finde out a little thiefe; and wilt) thou not in thy greater Joffe come to Clods true glafle to finde out the great thiefe ? If thou thin -' keft there 15410 fuck thiefe that fteales ought from thee, doe but come hither to this glaífe, and thou fhaIt fee him, and all the tricks and myfteries of his cony - catching trade. Come 1 fay, and fie hint wing of them. CHAP II r. 'ofn i.