398 Num.ya.;;. t Tudg.49. Pfal.t 19.1. Mat. Io.f. The deceitfulnefe of Mans heart. The fenfe. search and try.] That is, molt cxaftly know; A Meronymie of the efficient : For by fearching and r.rying,.perfeíï knowledge is attained. And withall an Ant hropopathy, that is, a manner of fpeech;whereby God for our better underí}anding, is made aífeeced like man : For God needs not any fearching to come to knowledge of any thing, as mans ignorance doth ; But becaufemens knowledge is bef} there , where the greateft triall and fearch bathbeen tuade,therefore under this phrafe it;plea- feth the Lord tofignifle his full and abfolute know- ledge. Heart and reins.] That is, both thoughts and af- fe &ions, the reines being the feat of the ftrongeft affc &ion, namely , that which is for generation. So Prov. a 3. 15, 16. My faun, if thou bee wi fe, my heart ,all rejoice, and my reinr fhall deap for joy. To give.] Either reward of punifhment : L4ccor- ding to his wayes. Sometimes the word way, is taken more fpecìally for force fpeciall courte in the carri- age of Come particular aáion, as Numbers 22.. 23. fudges 4.9.More commonly for the generali courfe and carriage ofour whole lives, as Pfel. r x9 .x. Mat. 10.5. So here, According to the fruit of works. If his works be good fruit,then reward ; if evill, then punifhment. In the words thus opened, I confider two points. Firft , Gods knowledge of our hearts, which is fet forth by the exaclnef thereof; both in regard of themanner,in the words, fearch ark try,and in regard of the matter, heart andreines.Secondly, The end of his knowledge, That I may give, &c. To begin with the firft. It is the conftant do trine