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The deceit felnef o fiM,ens heart. 399 doftrine of the Scriptures every where,that it is pro- per to God alone of himfelfe, throughly, and exaa- ly to know the ferrets of the hearts of men; and therefore denying this knowledge to all others in the former Verle, Who can know it ? Here he chal- lengeth it to himfelfe, I the Lord know it. But I fay, i. Of himf lfe , Because by revelation from him others may know : as Chrifto humanity, Zahn a. 24. But refus didnot commit hirrtfelfe to them;For be *sew them all : And had ,.o need that any should tefiifie of man: for be knew what war inman. So allo the Pro - phet. As i Sam. g.r 9. twill tell thee,faith Samuel co Saul, all that is in thine heart. No marvell, when Cod had told him before. Thus Elifha law thehol- low and hypocritical) heart of Gehezi, (Went not mine heart with thee in the way ?) and Peter of Ana- nias and Saphira. So in the Primitive Church there were Cuch as had the fpirit efdifcerning But that phrafe of the fpirit ofdifcerning, fire wet h, that they difcerned not meus hearts of themselves, but by a 1peciall work of Gods Spirit, discovering them to their eyes , and that unleffe they had plowed with Goys Heifer , they could n'evcr have found out the Co ferret mysteries of deceitfull hearts. 2.- I lay that God only knoweth the heart Fxadrly and certainly : BecauCe man and Angels may know it conjeCiserally, and by way of guefling, Prov. ; o. s. Cnenfëllin the heart of man is li f e deep watery but a man of/ender - ftanding will draw it out. Here even natural) wisdom is compared co a bucket, which is able , being let ,down into the deepest Well,to bring up the waters thereof. So though the heart of many men be full of lohn 144. z Sam.9. t9. t K ings ç. Alts s. t Cor.ia.io. ProK.no.;.