4c® Prey ROzF,17 So1us Deus fo- t rm nefcit igno- rantiam, et tu- tus videt, eq. tc- tum, quia mi- nimè fallitur, quia minirré claudit,quia ex- tra fe lumen nonquærit ut videat. ipfe e- nim eß qui vi det , & unde videt. Lern. Pfal.;139. z. Deuc,31.zi. The deceit fulneile of Mans heart. of deep deceit, and can cunningly couch naughti. nefl'e, yet a wife man by obfervation of their coun- re nance, gefture, fpeeches , and Inch like outward agues, will goe neere to difcover them. And there- fore solomon afterward in this Chapter,Verfe,26.ha- ving laid, that a wife Ding fcatteretli the wicked, and caufëth the wheel to turn over them : becauie it might be faid,how can he doe fo , lince wicked men have Co many covers for their wickednefl-e,to hide it from the eyes of the World ? hee addeth, as anfwering this obje£iion;Tlie foul of man is the light oftbe Lord, audit fearcheth all the bowels of the belly. So (harp is the note, even of naturali lagacity that it is able to finell our, and ferret out wickedneffe, even when it lurks in her fecreteft holes, ufing thofe meanes I fpake of, of diligent obfervation , inquifition , of comparing, and laying fpeeches and a &ions toge- ther, and fuch like. But now Gods eye needs no filch fpeecacles to look into thefe blinde corners of the heart : For hee hath a firie , and flaming eye, which is both the Organe, and the Meane of feeing, miniftring light to it felfe , to difcerne all things. Whence it i° , that as the Pfalmift excellently faith, He knoveth the thoughts afarre of ; long before there goe any outward fignes in the face to bewray them. According to that which the Lord fpeaketh ofhimfelfe concerning this knowledge of the 1 frae- lites h carts: I lnaiv his thoughts even now >re' hat he will doe , be fare. I bring him into the Land which l fware: Whereas the wifeft men know them onely when they are neere at hand, when they are ready to break out at our faces, eyes, mouthes. So that in this