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4o2 The deceitfulnej of Mans heart. our own fecret thoughts be, but hill this dotrine remained] true, onely God of himfeife exa&ly knowetb the fecrets of the heart. There is indeed a great mingle-mangle and confufion of thoughts, even as there i3 of drofle and good metal] in filver and gold, which lie fo confuted together, that to he eye of man the draffe is not difcernable. But when they are in the furnace and fining pot, then wee may fee them both diftinftly. That which is the furnace to the gold, the fining pot to the friver Pror.x . 3. he lame, faith Solomon, is the Lords flaring eye to he heart ofman ; even in the midfl: ofthe greateft 1huffie, and confufions it is a notable diftinguifher, cleerely difcerning the bad from the good, the baggage and refute from that which is good, the fine, though they be never fo troubleforuely jum, bled together. And no marvel!, for even Fiefl, Luke s: 3i. f (a place farre deeper than the heart , Lune s. 3]. farre vafter and wider, being of fo infinite receipt, :hat it is able to hold all the damned foules and bo- dies Efay 3 0.3 3 .)and deftruílion,(the infinite paines of this hell) which (as the Prophet fpeaketh of heavens joyes) eye hath not feene , care bath not heard , nor is the heart ofman once able to appre- hend the thoufand part of them) are lento the eyes of the Lord ;boar much snore then the hearts of the chil- dren ofinen ? And hereof the Scriptures give a dou- ble reafòn. a. Gods omni- pretence. Ifa man could be in any place where God were not, hee might efcape the fight of his eye. But, can any man (faith the Lord ) der. 23. i49. 1 -hide him felfin ferret places that Oa mot fee him? D o not-