The deceit fulnefe of. Mans heart. 403 not I fill heaven acrd earth? This reason David purlu- eth notably, Pfad. 139. throughout. 2 Gods forming of the heart. He that made the eye, fluff not he fee ? the care, shall not he heare ? the heart, fluff not he underftand ? Artificers know the nature and properties of their works ; and (hall God onely be ignorant of his workmanfhip This realon alío David urgeth in the fame Ffalm, verse t a. a 3.rhe dar(nel h. ideth me not from thee. For thole haft pofefed my reynes , thou hati covered me in my mothers womb. To thefe two reafons I adle a third, namely that God is the preCerver and upholdcr of the heart. ,as 17. In him wee live, move, and have our b, ing. Which is to be underfìood as well of the motions of the minds, in thoughts and defires, as of the bo dy. The minds is born-up by God, even in the let of thinking, farre otherwife then the earth beareth us in walking. Therefore it cannot be but God mull needs perceive the motions of our minds, even as the fenfeleffe earth, if it had fente, mutt needs perceive the motions of our bodies. The ale. r. This ferveth to affure our Faith, that the Scripture is the word of God. For it is proper onely to God, to know of the fec ets of our hems. But the Scriptures, doe notably lay open the clofe corruptions of our hearts unto us , infomuch as wee muft needs bee forced with the unbelieving idiot, to fall down on our faces, and to fay, verily God is here; it is he that fpeaketh. And as the wo- man of Samaria, when fhee heard Chrift diCcover her fecret adultery, then Thee gave over wrangling, D 2 and PC. r3g. 12,4;3. Aas 17. 2.7. L'(e.