404 The deceitfrrineg of Mans heart. Eger 6. 6. and went to her neighbours, faying,Comeàd fee a roman that bath told all that ever I have done : is not he the Mefiah? fo we,feeing our hearts fo lively de- ciphered unto us in the Scriptures, may in like fort cry out one to another, Come and fee a Book that tels us all that is in our hearts ; Muít not this needs be his book, who only knoweth the heart ? Befides chat, as the Scriptures do deten our thoughts in ge- neral!, fo fome particular mens in fpeciall. As what was Hamm proud thought, when the King asked him what fhould be done to the man he would ho- nour? what was Michalr defpightfull thought,when fhe law her husband dancing ? what was Sanls mur- therous thought , when .David played on the Harp before him? what was Felixcovetous thought when he talked privately with Paul ?what was the Phari- fees detra6ting thought when the woman wiped our saviours feet at the Tzble ? Thefe perfons had Co much wit as to keep their own counlell, and in many of them, fhame mutt needs bee of force to keep them from babbling their own fecrets, and uncovering their own filthy nakedneffe. How then is it poffìble for us to imagine how the Writers of thole Hifrories fhould come to the knowledge of luch fecrets, otherwife than by the revelation of the Spirit of God ? a, This muff teach us in confeflìon of our limes, not to conceale anp thing , but to powre out our Joules like water : for God bath a darting and pier- cing eye, that fees the very bottome of our hearts. Thisufè Iy?na made of the do&rine to vlchan, when God by lot had detected him; My fonne,give glory