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The deceitfulnefe of Mans heart. 435 glory unto God,namely,the glory of his omnifcience; thou feeft already the depth of his knowledge is greater than the depth of thine own deceitfull heart,confeffe thy fin therefore unto God, even the whole circumftance of the matter. A malefactor would not conceale any thing from the judge, if he were certain the Judge knew all.And in truth when we goe about to hide any thing, we rather hide God from orsrJelvessthav our felvesfrom God 5 we put our our own eyes riot Gods. A 1 I. This mutt caufe us to bee fincere and con - Ptant in all the duties of godlineffe,i Thef7:'s. 3,0 We handled not the wordofGod deceitfufly,wefpea knot as they that pleafe men,but God which tryeth the hearts. So the Church, Pfal.44.1 s,r9,20,zr. After the pro - ±cflion of their integritie,even in the middeft ofhea- vie perfecutions giveth this as the reafon of this their fo doing :1 f we have forgotten the name of our God,and holden up our hands to a firange God , fhould not God fearcb this out l for he (noweth the fecrets of the heart. VVhen fomething we are to doe,muft bee fubje& to the cenfure of force fpeciall wife, judici- ous man,alas, how cloth the fharpneffe ofhis judge- ment fcare us, and what care and circumfpeftion ufe we in fuch cafes ? Well, all our aEtions whatfc- ever muft come under Gods fcanning 5 and they muft abide the cenfure of that pure and fevere eye that cannot behold the leaft iniquitie. And (hall we nothing reverence or refpeá this eye ? Shall we take no care how to pleafe it ? O that we could but bring our felves once to give that refpeet to Gods eye, which we doe to mans! It is true indeed, the D d 5 . Apoftle Et tibi quidon Domine, e14 us ociáis nuda efi aby/fus hunan4 coi(tientiae, quid oceisátum e(Jet in me etiamfi ioOem confit eri? te enim mihi ab- fcenderem, non me tibi. Aug.conf.ioz. 1Their z.3.4.