406 i The deceitfalree of Mails heart. 1 Apoftle conden:neth eye - fervice in fervanrsto their matters. But yet this eye - fervice to fnen (hall con, demne our want of eye - fervice to God : and would to God by their example , wee could learn to per - formeeye- fervice to God. The fcrvanr thou, h flee work idly & lazily, when his m.afters cyeis of him, yet painfully when it is on him. Gods eye isaiway on us, & therefore if we had that r fpea ofour hea- venlymafter,which ofour earthly,we fliould al waies performe obedience to hinh ye- fervice,performed to Gcd, muff needs be la(ling & continuing fervice°. If thou canft. f ede a time when Gods eye is off thee, I will then give thee leave to give over thy work,` r to work untowardly: but fince Gods eye is alwayes ` on thee, why is not thy eye alto al way on him, as &rdch.s was? why vwwalkeft thou not as in the pretence oft his God? Why labourcfl thou not in all thy fer- vices to approve thy (elf to this eye that Teeth in fe- cret.,and is able by its own chryfrall brightnefs to dif- cover the fenalleft more ofhypocrifie in the blindefl nook ofthy heart ?that Co when it fhal come to take a view ofrhem,it may give witnefs to them & acknow- ledge them, though not, as once thole folely his , own in the creation, for very good, yet for good in part; for good fincerely,though not good perfealy. This ufe David made of this doarine to himfelfe, PfaI. s i9. Ics. p fxl. t 19.168. I have tat thy preceps, namely con- ftantly and fincerely, for all sty wales are before thee. 1 V. This muff reftraine us even from fecret fins, which we might commit without the privity of the other. For, wherefoever thou art, there is an eye t that fees thee, an care that heares thee,.hand that regifiers