Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceit fuónej/e ef Mani heart. ( 407 registers my actions. By this argunieuc so/o/non dehorteth from adultery, which for the moil part is committed in the night, lob 24. is. becaufe all the Prov..ni. wayes ofinen are open & naked to Gods eyes.What horrible Atheifine doth this argue,that the pretence of a little childe (hall hinder us from the doing of Come wickedne(fe,when Gods prefence cannot ?But as our Saviour fpeaketh concerning Killing : fo ( of Seeing; Fear not them that can fee the body onely, but feare him that can fee the foule alto, to whom night and light,dayand datknes are all ones who can as eafily fee thee in the dead darknes of the night, as at high noon in the cleared fun- (hine;as well when the candle is out, as when lighted, him I fay feare. If we did beleeve this ubiquity of Gods eye, how would it quafh the very fird rifings ofevill thoughts in our hearts? The eye of man draws from us a care of our outward behaviour : why then fhould not the eye of God draw from thee a care of the inward behaviour ofthy heart,finceGod fees thy heart bet- ter than man thy face,and underdands thy choughr s better than man thy words? Little children when in the middeffof their diforders they fpy once their fathers eye,they are bullied prefently : So fliould it be with us, when through forgecfulneffe of this all- feeing eye ofour heavenly father continually over. looking us, our hearts have begun to break loofe, and to (port thernfelves in vain and idle thoughts and defires i then fhouid we confider that all this while Gods eye hath been fi ed ou us : Wretches then chat we are, that have had our Fathers eye to be a witnefl'e of our mifdemeanor ! Then in this D d 4 cafe