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408 Gen.xs, yG, Heb t`. . r Gal:g,6. Pr0.z4.X I. 2. The deceitfrrineff of Mans heart. cafe fhoul.d this fpiricuall eye of God work the tame effe t in us, which once the bodily eye of Chrift in Peter. It fhould even dafh us, and fh Mme us in the middeft ofour (inne. If being in the fight and pre - fence of our berrera, whole gravity and authority claymeth fpeciall reverence at our hands, wee yet no' knowing of it, have bin otherwife in our fpeech and behaviour than became us, wee no fooner fee chem,buc are afhamed prefently and are ready to cry them mercy.Should we not do the like,much more, when we have offended and grieved the holy eye of the Lord with any undecent behaviour, though but of our heart onlyìShould we not fay as once Jacobin Bethel,fince God is prefent in all places as well as in Bethel, though not with fo fpeciall a kinde of pre - fence) sarrely God is here, and / was not aware I V. This mutt make us take heed of deceiving our (elves with vaine pretences, in fhifting off good ducies,or in excufing our (ones. If we can finde but the leaft (taming hole, if wee can get but the fillieft pretext by the fingers end, how glad are we'of it ? how fait doe we hold it ? But alas,Gods eye can ea- Giy fee through there figge- leaves,it can eafily fetch Rdaw out of the thickets. The Anaromift doth not to clearely fee the inwards of the body he hath opened,as God doth the ferret deceit of our hearts, though never fo fairly cloaked and coloured.A way then with all dawbing. Be not deceived,faid the A- poftle tothofe whole wit could finde out lurking - holes enough for their wickedneile in defrauding Cods Minifters, God aid not be mocked. And excel- lently soloman,Deliver them that are drawn to death, and