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The deseitfNlneffe . f Mans heart. 409 and wilt not thou preferve t hen that are led to be Elaine ? I f thou jay, Behold we knon' not of it, he that pondereth the hearts , doth he not underfiand it z V I. This do&rine is full of Tweet comfort and chat in fundry cafes. ¡.ln the perverte judgement of men often under - valuing of us, and depreflìng us farre benea'h our infcriours.As the Corinthians did Paul under their fhallow- headed Verbalifts,. not worthy to carry his books after him for found and lubfianriali learning. Our comfort here is this, that God fecth not as man leech judgeth not as man judgeth, by the feeing of the eye, by the hearing oft be care, by outward appearances. Whence it comes to paffe,that when the falle and injudicious eye of man, too too much affe &ed with outward flames, bath preferred boldThrafoes before their betters, that cannot in like pompous oflentation Cet forth them. (elves , and hash adjudged preheminence rather to Etiafhibs outward perlon than Davidsinward parts; yet God comming afcer,reverleth & repealeth this unrighteous judgement, thrnecing down proud ig- norance from the head of the table to the foot, and lifting up humble knowledge from the foot to the head. Thus Paul relieved himfelf when he was thus chfparaged by the Corinthians; gpafe not, faith he, to be judged of ou , I meafure not my (elfe by any aunsjudgement : He that, judgeth me is the Lord. Wherfore as we have no reafon to flatter our (elves when men flitter us,fo neither al waies to difcourage our (elves when meta difcourage us. As mens prai fes mutt not tickle us, fo neither alwayes their difraifes trouble us.For true,both.praife and difpraife is from G .)d, Sam. i6:. Ef. it.