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4to ! T deeeitfislnefe of Mans heart. Pfal.7. ¡e x Chro.I6.9. Iray 3$3. Ioh,xt.I y, sE. ¡ God,who fearcheth the hearc,cnd meth the reines. Heed not then mens judgement over-much, but againft their black coles comfort thy Celf with Gods', white ftone. 2. Here-hence alto we may gather comfort in falle imputatirns & Ganders. A s this was lobs comfort in the aCperfio n of hypocrifie, My wit nefe is in heaven,andry record on high. 3.1t fteedeth alt.() for comfort in the prevailings of the wicked againft us, and that under colour of fight, Pfal. 7.9. o let the malice oft he wic/jdcome to an ei;di Bast guide thou the jrefi r For the righteow.Lordfearcheth the hearts andthe reines. And therefore he Teeth the in- nocency and fincerity of the one, the fraud and hy- pocrifie of the ether,notwithftanding al their good ly words. The eyes ofthe Lordloo4down frosts heaven, to!hew hirfelf irong to then; that are o fa perfe i hart: namely,in the end, atla it, even when they are molt weak in themfelves, to give them the vietory. Fourthly. But moat corditll is that con(olation which this dotrine miniftreth in our temptations and inward corflias with Sathan and our owne ConCciences, crying out againft us, that we are not that which others and our (elves have thought, that we have not fo much as the leapt drachme of any goodneffe.Andindeed,in temptat ou,our Ganes often prefent themfelves in fuch a mulritude, that they wholly intercept from our eyes the fight of grace.Yet here in the defefi of our own knowledge wee mutt comfort our (elves with Gods, and fay with Eze&iah, in that his grievous triall, oLord thou kno:refl I have walked with aperfeci heart before thee. Thus Peter, when Chilli lay grating upon him with that