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The deceit fxlueie of Mall.' heart. i 411 -hat threefold interrogation, siron toveft those me? thereby renewing the bitter memory of his three - old denyall, and in effect, laying thus much : I-low can I think that thou who haft fo often denyed me, _loeft love me ? bee yet fuftained hin}felfe with this medication of Gods knowledge,1ordthou &rotveft all things, thou &nowell that Ilcve thee. The Apoftle (heweth. Kow.8. 26. that fometimes, in the evre- tnitie of afi-1 etion , wee are to confounded in our felver, that though indeed we do pray in our fecret Gahes and fobs, yet we perceive not that wee pray. For fo, I take,ir that text may be read ; Wee know not that are pra). The fl Ala with her murmuring makes 'Inch a dinne, that we can hardly heare the voyce of the Spirit, mixing with the fleíhes roaring and repi- Dings, his prayings fighes and fobbings. But be- caule a poore foule wcu!d hence dilcomfort it felfe, and think, what good will luth confuted prayers doe mee , which f fcarfe difcerne my (elfe ? The Apoftle anfwereth notably, oppofing to this ob- jeCtion the comfort of this do`trine of Gods know- ing the heart : But he that fearcheth the heart, hee knoweth the meaning of the fpirit.Kirke how he op- pofeth Gods knowing of our prayers to our own not knowing. As if hee fhould fay : Let not this trouble thee, that thou canft not perceive that thou prayeft : Doe not therefore think thou canft not,thou doeft not pray ; For though thou know not what it is thou prayeft, yet God the fearcher of the heart,who is greater than thy heart,he know- eth and approveth alCo thy prayer. Difcourage not then thy (elfe over -much in the want of feeling of grace Roans. 2.6. 3.7.