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4 t a The deeeitfalneji of Mans heart. grace in thy felfe,Remember that God fees, as that evill, fo alfo that good which fometirnes thou feell not in thy felfe. And therefore as thou oughteff not to be over confident in the not feeling of finne in thy felfe, but to fay with. the Apof#le, Though 1 know nothing (that , no evill) by easy felfe, yet OM I not thereby jwjiifed; fo neither to be too farre deje. Ced in the not feeling of grace, but by lik propor Cor.4.4. don to fay, Though I know no good in myflfe, yet am I erot thereby condemned. So much of the firfl-print; Gods knowledge of the heart : The fecond fo low eth ; the end ofthis knowledge, That f may give to every man according to his wayes, &c. The which words we will confider firff, in the reference to the former : fecondly apart by themfelves. Out ofthe former confideration, we Iconic, t. That good and evill thoughts and delires, in Gods account, are good and evill works. For God here faith, he taketh through notice of the heart, that hee may recompence men according to their works; Thereby implying, that if bee did not fee the heart, there muff; needs fcape many wicked thoughts and defires unpunifhed, many good ones alto goe unrewarded; and fo he fhould not be able to give to every work his proper recompence, namely, to the inward works of the heart, the thoughts and delires thereof. Concerning evill thoughts,. Peters fpeech is excellent to Simon Ma_ Aets s, gus : Pray toGod,that if it be paftible, the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee. Forgiveneffe prefup- pofeth defert ofpunifhment ; punifhment an evil! work meriting its for punifhmencs are onlyawarded to