The deceitfelneffe of Mans heart. 413 co works. For good thoughts and defires Pauis fpeech is excellent, It is God that vor(eth both to mì11 dud doe. If both bee his own works, the de- fire as well as the deed, he muft needs love and like both the one and the other. This maketh againft them,that make no bones of evil] thoughts, as though no other be evill works than fuch as bee outward. 2, It ferveth for comfort to the children of God, difabied fometimes by want of outward helps, or otherwife, for the performance of Come kinde of outward obedience. Thefe muft remem- ber how highly God apprizeth good purpofes and defires, accepting and rewarding them , when . they come to him, as if they came accompanyed with the deeds themlelves.Daviddid but conceive a purpofe to build God a houle ; God rewarded it wich the building,and eftablifhings of Davids houle, 2 sarsw.7.16. He did but conceive a purpofe to con. fefl'e his finne ; Gods eare was in his heart, before Davids confeflion could be in his tongue, Pfal. 32.5. Che poore beggars that have wanted food for ,hemlelves, Chrifl yet Thal] fay at the Taft day, yee have fed me when I was hungry, only in regard of their ftrong affection, if they had had ability. The prodigal] child, when he was but conceiving a purpofe ofreturning , was prevented by his Father firit comming to him, Lu(t c.2o.and Efay,65.24. God will anfirer us before the call, that is, in our pur- pofe ofprayer. O (weer comfort ! when wee ad. dreffe our fe Ives to prayers in our private meditati- ons, and bethink our (elves of our fundry wants. We purpofe with our felves to begge fuch and fuch things,