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454 [ Tim.r-6. Ms ill. Matt. rz. Rom. 14.23. Rom.3.z7. Rom.r.q. The deceit fulnefe of Maur heart. things , whereofyet haply wee forget Come in the vocal.' prayer : (hall any good foule now think that the memories weakneffe, thall any thing prejudice her in this cafe? No,thy purpofe of asking the thing forgotten,was a molt effe luall asking of ir:and unto ghee belongeth the comfort of that laying. 1 will heare before they call. z That God efteemeth of the goodneffeof our outward works by our hearts. Therefore here he faith, that he firft fearcheth the hearts.before he re- compence the work. If God judged of works one - ly by the outward matter of them , there needed then no looking into the heart, for the jaft difpen- fing of rewards , and punifhments. Now there are two things more efpecially in the heart, whereby God judgeth of our works. r. Faith, which clean - feth the heart,and maketh it a good treafury, fir for a good man to bring forth good things, which alto propoundeth unto us, and urgeth upon us the commandement of God, prefcribing the good work to be done : whence that title of the Law of faith , and whence alto our obedience is called the obedie,ace of faith. z. A fincere affeétiop , chiefly re- fpeaing Gods glory, and the Churches good in that wee doe. The ufe. r. Againfi the Papifis, that upon fuch places as this, would found the do trine of merit.Eut here God Cayes he looks into the heart, when bee would reward the outward work. So that there is no worthineffe in the outward work it felfe, but it is fomething within the heart, which procureth the reward to the outward work, and that is fpeciallÿ as I (hewed , faith in the blond of Jefus