416 Mat. 7. z3. I 1011.3. 23. Efay 64.3. Ecclef. f. äáem recitas, mews eft ó Fi- dentine; libellus fed male dum recitas incipit ere tuas, The deceitfulnejje of MOSS heart. chore reprobates, Mat. 7. alledging their preaching in Chrifts name, calling out of Divels , &c. but re- ceiving that fearefull anfwer, Depart from mee yet workers o f/nigt:ity ; 'know ye not. Lo , preaching it felfe though in Chrilts name, becaufe yet not for Chritts name, is with God but a work of iniqui- tie, and hell fire is the reward of it. So Gains out- ward works in facrificing were the farne with his brothers;and yet Saint John fayes,Cainer works were evil., and Abels good. And God himfelfe faid to Cain If thou doe¡t well fhalt thon not be accepted? as though, for a'1 Lis facrifices, hehad'not done well as yet. And fo the Jewes facrifices are in indignati- on rejected with a who requiredthefethings? becaufe indeed,God did not require bodily exercife, divor- ced from the fpirituall,the tbell without the kernel], the husk without the _corne, the carkafe without the foule. Hence it is that the Lord calleth the Jewes incenfe and facrifice, though commanded by himfelfe, their own wages. And in another place h q own facrifice , the fecrifice of footer. For as Martiail laid to Fidentine, the book thou readeft is mine,but when thou readeft is ill, then it begins to he thine : Co may God fay to hypocrites ; There works of prayer, hearing, &c. are mine; but when you goe about them thus untowardly, and performe them thus corruptly, then they are your owne. I will acknowledge them no longer for mine. I fee them, that is not Cafe for us to reft in the outward work , but that we had need to look to our hearts in all the Cervices we performe. For God will look to our hearts in judging, and in rewarding. And that