The deceit fulnef of Mans heart; that which God mofk looks to in rewarding; that wee had need moil look to in praelifing. As the workman, in the doing ofany work, will bee molt careftsll in that pare ofït , wherein he knoweth the eye of him, for whom he worketh, will be molt cu- rious. If God, when thy prayer (hall come to bee weighed in his ballances, fhould then efpecially fund upon thy tongue, upon thy phrafe of fpeech, upon the tune of thy voice, &c. then it would ftand thee in hand in praying , fpecialiy to minde thefe things. But fnce it is the affeltion of thy heart, hee will above all things make inquiry of; confider then what a folly it is in pra&ifing, to bee molt dili- gent in that,wherof God in examining will be molt regardlefí-e; and to be molt negligent there , where wee Mall be Cure to finde him molt firit,and fevere. And withall confider thine own mifery, who de- priveft thy felfe both of mans,and Gods reward. For the very matter of thy work will make thee odious to the world,as carefully flying the very appearance of good,as the Apoftle biddeth us to the the appea- rance of evill. But the corrupt manner of thy work' Iwill make thee twice as odious to God,to whom al- waies fairred fanc tt, is double iniquity. Withall con- fider, what a griefe it mutt needs be to thee at the Jaft day,to fee others mites received for their ftnce- ritie, and thine own talent refufed for thy hypocri- fie : to fee others cups of cold water mercifully re warded, and thine own giving the Cup of thrifts blood, the water and bread ofeternall life, fever ely panifhed. 4 This mutt teach thee when after long out - E e ward 417