418 + The deceitf llr<effc of Mans heart. ICay 52.3. ward praftice of godihiefi thou findeft not the truc reward of godlineffe , then to enter into thine own heart by examination and to confider whether thou art guiicy of hypocrifie or no. For true godlirteffe is Breit g tale : and God alwayes is jut }, , -iving men according to their works, but yet mealuring the works by the heart. If then thou doing works out - war,lly good, receive an answerable recvard,do not therfore challenge God of irijuftice.(rs thofe Ferret, wherefore have we pied. artd thou pelt it pot ?) but by felfe of unfoundneffe of heart : Which coma thou, and thou then (halt Cee there will be no caule for thee to complaine of the Lord. V. Here allo is comfort rothofe that have, with good hearts,done many good works. which y et are ill taken, and ill rewarded of men. Men cannot lee our hearts, and therefore what rnarvell,ifthey doe not alwayes reward us according to our works ? If the wicked loxes could have feene how lovingly, and tenderly Chrif},heart was affeaed to them,they would better have rewarded his miniftery than that he thot lr have needed to complaine,lhave laboured m vaiete,I have lent y fireragth,&c.But our comfort is,fo as era; Chrifts, that our work, though never fo much reieCtad of men, it yet rcith our God, in time to be rewarded of him. Becaufe he feeth our found and faithfull hearts , and that to this end , that hce may reward us according to our works. The dude of reprehenfion Chriftianly performed is a good .work, yet how diftaftfull to the reprehended, and how thankleffe an office ? yet wee muff not be dif- .couraged, though by the performance ofthis duty ' wee