The deceit f elrseffe of Mans heart. Iwe purchafe ill will at mens hands. For God feting the integri; ie ofour beart,will reward us according- ly, canting us at lengrh to finde more favour, even with the reprehended themfelves, than thofe that have clawed or flattered, Prov.28. 23 Now I come to confider the words in thetnlelves, obferviog three points in them; the rewarder; the rewarded; the rule of rereardioag. r The rewarder,God. That I may give, &c. Here we learner i That God hath an infinite treafiirie, both of rewards and puniflsmenes,who giveth ro every par_ titular man his juít portion , either of the cne,or of the other. He is an unempriable founttine of good- nefle that can never be drawn dry. His rewarding of one,doth not difable'the rewarding of an other neither doth he fo fpend himfelfe in conferring hìí blelings upon any, that they which come after fhould need to fpeak unto him as Efay to Ifaac, I,r all gone r? haft thou never a bleng left behinde for us ? Gods reward is not like the bleflìng of 'fade , which could bee beftowed only on one. For God 6en.rí.i. himfelfe the rewarder, is alto the rereard ;and there- fore, as he tels Abraham,an exceedinggreat an infi- nite reward, able to fatisfie infinite worlds. His ju. Rice allo, being as infinite as his mercie,cannot but furnifh him with like varietie of judgement, that as in Heaven there are many Manfions , and Princely Palaces, loin Hell alto many prifons, many dunge- ons;that as his thefts and coffers are full ofprecious 'L °ten r4 r. pearles & jewels; fo his quivers ofpeftilentarrowes prepared for the ribs ache ungodly.So that we need E c z not 419