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420 The deceit fulne fe of Mans heart. not feave that of our Jehovah, which they of their Sr gzeties pec- tupiter, that 1F, as often as men finne, the thunder- cant futmitta bolts [hall nie abroad , he would quickly be unfur- fua mittat Iupiter nifhed of weapons. The nie is this,as to terrific the exiguo tempo?e wickedfo to encourage the godly. It is a comfort to ínermiJ ertt.. ferve luch a Mafter,as betides his willingneffe,is alto, able to reward us.Therefore we fee how Kings fer- vices in this regard are moft fought after. Never then grow we wearie of ferving this Mafter, wich whom is fuch plenty ofreward, whofe is the earth, and the fulneíle thereof, the heavens and all their furniture , and at whofe right hand is fulnelfe of pleafures for evermore. Who may fay unto us of all other bale Mailers, as Saul of David , Can the formes of 1 filar giveyou vineyards,and orchards? Can ¡thy make you captains over fifties, and over hun- dreds ? fo can the Dcvill, the World,the Flefh, in- flate you into the felicity of my chofen : can they make you Kings and let you in the chaire of eftate ? The fervice of God is a reward fufficient to it felfe, and farre from his fervants is the bare mind of mercenaries. Nevertheleffe it is fit, with Ntofes, to He.b.i1.24. quicken our dulneire, with the conlideracion of the great recotnpence ofreward. 2 That wLiofoever bee the inftruments either of our rewards or punifbm ents,G od ftill is the chief both rewarder and puni(her a That I niay give. The ufe whereofis,both to teach us thankrutnes to God, when reroarded,and patience when correfiedby men, It may. be thou haft deferved wel of thole men,that deale unkindly with thee.But yet confider whether in the fame thing, wherein thou Daft deferved well of