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The deceit fel1effe of M &, heart. f 42 of man, thou half not deferved ill of God, becaufe happily in thefe duties performed to man,thou had deft no refpth of God.If fo,then acknowledge that God bath found out thy linne, complaine not of mens unkindneffe and injuftice, God is juftin their inju(tice,itis he that thus punifheth thee. 3 That whatfoever bee the workfor which wee expert a reward, iris God that muff reward ir. This mutt teach us in the works of the fecond Table, Which refpe& man, to have an eye unto God, and to performe them as unto God, and fo jti ferving if man to ferve God. For it is God that muff re- Jard them & that (as I (hewed) doth reward them, ven then when men reward them:For it is he that .aclineth their hearts thereto.ilow then can we ex- pe& a reward of God there, where wee have done oim no fervice ? If in ferving of men thou haft fer- ved thy felfe,and fought thy felfe rather than God, when chou commit for thy reward , Gods anfwer will bee ; let him reward theewhom thou fervedft. rrhou fervedft thy Pelf, reward thy felfe then if thou wilt,for I never reward any fervices but mine owne. Had wee not then need in all duties done to men, co doe them as unto God , left otherwife , as wee Iofe mans , fo allo Gods reward. But doe them unto God,and then we are lure, ifnot of both, yet of the belt reward, and wee take a very fafe courfe for our (elves. For even the heft men may proove unkinde, and unthaukfull unto us:But God cannot but abusi dandy recompence the fervice done to himfelfe. The duties of love & liberalitie donne to men,which Come of thofe to whom they were done had hap- E e 3 pily