422 EQheG6.7.8. The deceit fsalneffe ofMans heart. pil t Forgot , yet Chrift remembers at the laft day, only becanfe they were done as himfelfe Match, 25. 40. Tee have done them unto wee. There is the caufe of the reward. This is Pawls councell ro Chri. ftian fervants, yoaked v ith truth hearhenifh Ma- fters to bee obedient unto their Mafters, according to the flefh,as unro Chrift,fervingthe Lord,and not men, and that upon this confideration: Whatfoever good thing any man dot h,t he famefholl he receive ofthe Lord, rchther bee bee bond or free. Servants in fuch cafes are ready to objt.& Why fhould we have any care to pleafe them, that have fa little care to pleafure us; nay,that are ready to doe us all the dif- pleafure they can ? Yea , but for this caufc they had need °fo much the rather to make coafcier ce oftheir dutie,even to the full , becanfe by this meanes they fhall provide a notable remedy againft their Ma- ilers injuries; namely, che bountiful! reward of C od himfelfe.Thy Mailer wrongs thee: what thet ? wilt thou therefore wrong thy felfe? He denies ,hee his reward : wilt thou therefore encreafe thy punifh- ment? and as though this were not enough,depriv, thy feif alto of Gods reward? Laban,r tyrannie could not tire out Jacob in the courte of his faithfulneffe, and behold in the end the Lord himfelfe in fpite of Labor's teeth,richly rewardeth him. I I. Circumftance is the pet fons rewarded. Every man, of what degree foever. r. Marke here Gods unpartiall dealing. Among men , groffe vices of great ones are winked at, and eminent venues of meane onesare nor heeded. dut with God, neither fhail thy greatneffe help thee from r