The deceát fulue of Maw heart. from punithment,nor thy bafenes hinder thee from reward. This mutt humble the great Rates of the World : God is no refprder ofperfons. They mutt not look for a chaire and a cuthion , when they ap- peare before Gods Tribunal!. Nay, thou mutt then bee ftripc ftark naked of all outward pomp. God will put no difference betwixt thee and the poorer} Lazarus, He judges every man alike. a Hence I gather that there is a particular pro- vidence , taking notice of men and their aûions in fpeciall. For Gods rewards are proportioned to his knowledgegllknm the heart, that I ruay reward : But he rewards every man in particular. Therefore alto he knoweshim,and all his waies.Particular rewards argue particular knowledge. Terrible is this to the wicked , but moil comfortable to the godly. If the King take notice of a meaner man, he will be ready prefently to fay in admiration,What,doth the King Denatur. Deer. know me? But let the pooreft Lazar,that is withàl 1.z. Cofltionegae the cbilde of God, know for bis comfort, that (Iv- rimilorie x. in h :,gorier great King and mighty God takes fpeciall notice of toes qua neEie him, and that for his good. It is not with our God nat "r flrtxas,. der erat,eadem with their Idoll,thac bath no leafure to attend fmal Diane Ephefie 1er matters. Hee is not like Saal, that purfuing his temp/um dei¢a- enemies cannot hear his friends; nor like Diana > that x;t i t, diun- being prefent at Alexanders birth, could not at the pemiranduen,- fame time preferve herEEhefan templefrom the fire. mod Diana "min parrs, III. Circumflance followes, the rule of rewar 0ly2,p;adir ad ding according to their own wayes, &c. Here wee - vluifet ah- learn , that God proportions his rewards and pu- uipet doors. nithmentsto our works, as it were the line to the rule. This proportion hath fundry branches. E e 4 i The 423