424 The deceit fultseff. of MaMS heart. I The evil! of frane fhall have evil] of punifh- ment in Hell , the good of obedience, the good ot reward in Heaven, Matth. 25.2. As our works are better or worfe , fo fhall our joyr s in Heaven , out pains in Hell be more or h ffe. Capernaum a reeding, Salome and Gomorrah in finne , fhall feele alfo an exceffe of punifhment, and the wilful! fervarìt than receive more firipes than the ignorant. So alto the greater our zeale, pairies and travel! bath beene in Gods caute, the greater fh..+ll bee the weight of our glory.The twelve Apofli shall have twelve fpeci . all thrones at the day of judgemnt, and whereas other wife men (hall but fhine with the brighencffe of thefirmament, they that turne othersfrom their evil] wayes,with the brightnefl'e of the Tars: he that fon'eth liberally fhall reap liberally. And every good work added to the number of the former, helper/1 to further our ree oning in the day oft he Lord. Sleep is Tweet, even to him that hath paffed the day more eafily, but the fleep of the labouring man is tweet indeed. So alto though that Seep in vlbraham,r bofome be Tweet, even to fuch as have lived a more quiet and eafie life here , yet even there alto , the fleep of the labourer will be fpecially tweet. The greater our toyle and trials have beene,the more we have fweat and fuufered here for Chrift, the twee- ter (hall wee finde that ref( and repofe in Heaven. The Martyrs (hall be Pillars in the Houle of God. viper. ;. 12. Our Saviour in his áatwer to the petition of the two brethren, feemes to imply, that there are fome,for whom places of preeminence are prepared, as it were to fit at his right hand and left ad-