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The deceit fitlnef/e of Msns heart. 425 neither doth this oc&i:rinc of unequall degrees of heavenly glory any more favour merit,than the tin- equals degrees of grace in this life,which oftentimes the Lord proportions to our deliires & endevours in the ufe ofthe means;the wider we open our mouths the more abundantly he will fill us, and with what meaCure wee mete to him in painfull and heedfull hearing of his Word,with the lame will he meafure to us in the difpenfation of' his grace : Neither yet doth our hearing of the word,defire in opening our mou:hes wide, merit that which they obtaine. And if the danger of the doctrine of merit hinder us no: from holding that which is indeed apparant to our eyes , that according to the degrees of grace, and lanailcation,God diCpenfeth many of his temporal rewards in this life, as a greater good name, greater inward reverence & honour in the hearts of men to Cuch as e cell in mortification above their brethren; why fhould it feare us here fince the one drawer merit will it no more than the other ? 3. Befides this generall , there is allo a fpeciali proportion , agreeing to the works in fpeciall, in fuch manner that a man may almoft read the finne in the punifh.. ment, the venue in the reward.The Midwives built the houles of the Ifraelitec,hy preferving their chic. dren,contrary ro the Kings bloody Edift,G03 ther- fore built them houles. David purpoled to build God a bode; God prefently promiled to build bis houle for ever..Ebedmelech laved lerenaies li e God therfore gave him his own life for a prey. So he bath promifed co recompenle our zeale of his glory with his zeale of ©cars;i inild honour thew that honour mee : neither Mar,4a4, Ier.39 iZ: