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.4z6 t Sam. z.3o. The deceitfulnefe of Mans heart. neither Both God keep this proportion in aftive onely, but alfo in pafiive obedience. Here Jofephs e ample is molt remarkable if we compare his luffc- rings and rewards together inftead of his brethrens hatred,he got ftrar' ers love; hi, brechre! that fold him as a flave , adored him a Lo, d. in fiead of the prifon, he met with a tilt one. 1., (lead of'iron fet- ters,he found a chaise of gold. 11. íìt.ad of the labour of his hand,a ring on his hand. lu ftead of the parti- colon red coat his brethren ftript him off,the prince- ly Robes Pharaoh put upon him. lu ftead of the un- lawfull pleafure ofadulterie,thc lawfull comfort and contentment of an honourable marriage. In ftead of being a fervant in the paifon, being haltea Sove- raignein the Kingdome. The like meafures keeps he alfo in punifhmenr. 4b fäloms haire, his pride,be- came his halter. The waters which Pharaoh appoin- tcd to deftroy the Hebrew Babes, were afterwards 'made fit to poyfon the Egyptians. Pharaoh had in- reeled them with blood of innocents, God turnes them into blood ; and in their colour fhewe, the tÿ-- rant the colour of his finne. Pharaoh flayes the Ifra elites children,Codafterward flew his , and all the Egyptians firft borne. Dives denicd Lazarus cruets of bread; Abraham afterward denied him a drop' of water. Thole that will not hearken to the ("weer and familiar voice of God, fhall bee fchooled by the ftrange language of cruell ftragers overtop- ping them. The Egyptians had vexed the I fraelites with much wearincffe and thirft, in over - burdening themwith labour ; God therefore by depriving them of the ufe of their waters , afieted them with