The deceitfielne ff of Mans heart. with the fame thirst and with the fame wearineff-e in going about and reeking for water : Saul becaufe he flew chore that did weare the Ephod, therefore God would not anfwer him either by Vries or rbum,, iM: and his own hands revenged upon himCelfe the in- nocent blood ofot hers. The wicked becaufe in this life they fay to God, as it is in IAb, Depart thou from us, therefore in the life to come, God fha11 fay to them,Depsrt from me yee turf d.Adams deliire of the Godhead,was punifhed with mortalirie and miCery. And unto him that in Eft, vaunts himfelfe, Paying, /will afcend above the height of the clouds, and will be Ecay 14 t IT.: Isle to the moll high; the Lord will have this anfwer ' to be made :Thou fhalt be brought damn to the grave, to thefides of the pit. Hypocritesp.erforme tempo - rarie obedience , God only gives them a tempo - rarie reward here in this life,Matb 6.Verily they have their reward, namely here in this 1i'e;the y fha11 have none hereafter. So Ahabs temporarie humiliation_ obtained the rejourning of temporali jud ernent : Hypocrites alfoperforme an imperfeû cbedience, I they will doe forme few things comrnanded,but not all : God ferves them in their own kinde, he gives them Come few of his meaner bi` flings, but denies them the principall.Whence that excellent exhor- tation, z John 8. Loolktoyour fel'es, that ire lef not the things we have done,but may receive aflail reward. f here is then a plena,/ reward co a ful!,and a partial! or halfe reward to a fcantie and halfc obedie ace.T hus lehues obedience in deflroying Ahabs houle was re- I campenred with Gods bit fling upon his h.ouCe to the fourth generation,anffverable to his curie in the fecund __ 427 I