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428 The deceitfidneg of Man" hurt. fecond Commandement, upon the wicked, to the fourth generarion,as in loram,whofe pofterity is net remernbred till the fourthGenerarion,as in the Ge- aealogie,Matth. i. But yet becaufe Iehues obedience was not fincere it was not rewarded fo as is true obedience,whofe reward is flue above the punifh- ment even toa thoufand generations. So that even in rewards,as well as in punifhments , God will put Eray 27. a difference betwixt on If aelite and an (Egyptian: that as Gods Children are not fmitten fo as their (hikers the wicked,becaufe their difobedie n ce is not Co full as the wicked, therefore they have but halle a puniíhment : So the wicked are not rewarded as are the godly ; becaufe their obedience is not fo perfe& and compleate, therefore they have but halle a reward,anfwerable to their half obedience. Againe, Hypocrites give God an outward obedi- ence, without the inward affeáion. So God gives them his external' benefits, but without any hearty, love or affe lion unto them. Look how they fever their hearts fromGod in their obedience,fo dochGod his from them in his benefits. So even, and equall is the retribution of divine juftice. The rife, Firft, againft the Papiftsurging their do- ¿trine of Merit out of chis and fuch like places : but here we fee,all the Prophet teacheth is a proportion betwixt our works and wages betwixt our paines and pay, that is, betwixt that we doe, and that wee receive. And therefore bee maketh our works to . be the rule,not the caufe ofthe reward. The rule is not the caufe of the line drawn by it. Neither Both God here fay,that I may give to every man for , bu t accor- ,