The deceit fulneg of Mani heart. 42, according to his works. Surely if goo works, as i they teach,flhould bee meritorious, then ask is un- jufíice in man to detaine the labouring mans wa- ges when his work is done; fo alto fhould it bee in God, if bee did not prefently recompence every good work of his fervants as loon as it were done. And as the hire of the Labourers detained, cryeth againfl the covetous Oppreffours, fo by like reafon ; fhould the reward of our obedience, fo long often- I times deferred, cry againft God. Even this one ar 1 gument is enough to overthrow merit: Gods flow neffe as it were in rewarding his childrens fervices, and that libertie which he bath taken to himfelf for the times of the reward. And therefore here hee faith i That I may give to every man according to his works, without making any mention of the time when, lcaving himfelfe free for that. Wee fee that in paying of wages to our fervants, we limit our (elves to _let times , as to the quarters, or halfe yeeres end , becaufe it is a matter of defert : but in our gifts and gratuities, wee doe not fo tie our felveF,..bur give them when wee think good. And if there were any fuck worthineffe in our works, . what need then that modellie of the holy men in Scrip.ures,who when they were defired their faith full iervice, might bee remembred.with Gods re- ward, have withal] defired it might bee remenibred with Gods forgiveneffe ?as Nehemiah, Remember me, Nel,e;,a., ;.2z. 0 my God,concerning this,andp.srdonme,accordingto thy great snercie. Our bee: works then need forgi- vings,and that which needs forgiving, merits, not giving.. Our Saviour, when he would have us crave daily