430 The deeeitfednefle of Maxi heart. daily bread, as our bread , due to our obedience by Gods prornife,thers withal! he would have us crave forgivenetfe, for the want of that our obedience . and to adde unto Give Ks this day onr daily bread s1tld forgive 11.1 our trefpaffes. Secondly,againft our look profefiours, prornifiug to themfelves, though living, and lying i.m their tunes, the reward of glo- ry. No , as thou foweft thou mufr reap, and as 'boa breweft thou rruft drink. If thou low tares, never look to reap Wheat. If thou brew with Crabbes, never look to drink milde B ere. As our Saviour comparing the man ro a tree, the works to the fruits, Cayes, Can men gather fgges of thornes, grapes of thifllers? fo comparing our works ,o trees, their rewards to the f. ui s , fay the like : Think you ever of the thornes and thiftles of co- vetoufneffe, pride, uncleanneffe,blafphemie, (wea- ring, prcphanation of the Sabbaths, ever to gather the fweet figges, or plealanr grapes of g'ory, and happineffe ? Will this gall and wormwood ever make pleafant drink ? WilI thefe wilde and fowre grapes ever yeeld Tweet wise ? O that we could fe- rioully lay this to heart, that wee mutt all appeare before Chrift, ro receive according to that which here we have done, whether good or evil!, that hee that foweth to the flefh, Thal! of the flefh reap cor- ruption, and he that foweth of the fpirit, fhall of the ?pirit reap life everlaffing. Then would wee begin prefencly to reafon with our felves. Alas how poor, now barren am I in good works , how fruitfull in ill ! Is it true indeed that according to the quality of our works we (hall bee judged ? Alas, what other works