The deceit fulneffe of Mans heart. 431 works can I prelent the Lord with, betides the works of death and darkneffe ? If there had the promise of reward, then were my cafe good. E <a- mine thy heart, my brother, and think wih thy Cede : Thus long have I lived, but what good have I done either to my feife,or others? Where are my Prayers , Failings, Humiliations , Meditations, well -lpent Sabbaths, well - governed children and èrvanc3 ? Where are the works of mercy to my hrctar'ens either loules,in holy admonition, repre- ienfion, exhortation; or bodies, in miniflring re- iefe to their neceflitie ? How can I look for the pennie, that have flood idle in the Market place all the day long ? for the crown , that refuted to runnel! For a good crop of Harvefl, that would not Cow in feed time ? Let us no longer deceive our (elves. That which solnr'on fpeaketh of floath in the things of this life , is true allo of fpirituall floath. Hee that being floathfull in Winter will not plow, (hall begge in Summer, and have nothing3 as wee may fee in the rich glutton begging water of Laza- rus to coole his tongue; and in the foolifh Virgins, begging oyle of the wife. It were madneffe to leek for fifhes in Woods, for Apples and Peaces la the Seas. But what madneffeto feek Heaven in Hell , glory in fhame, light in darkneffe, to think wee (hall finde eternall life in the way of wickedneffe ? Why f ek yee the livkg among the dead? laid once the An- gell to chofe women.But why Peek yee life in death? why leek yee that eternall life, among chore dead works of darknefs? Noglory,honour, andimmortality can beeforted afoot, bat filch as f ekit byceatiwta. ce in